To be a slave, there should
be someone with great influence and Affluence
who shall hold the destiny of Him
that called slave.
Allah has slave, Man also has.
Saiton has and the rulers has.
to be a slave somebody must
be ready to claim the future and misfortune
of His enslaved person/persons.
Master is and must not be without slaves.
Religion enslavement is paradise
of a Muslim as says the Hadith.
Love of Rosullah is enslavement
of Awliyallahi.
A Mantle is a slave before the cleaner
While mastery is slavery.
Round the light is colors of Rays
The beauty of Jesus is Omo ijo
And the throne of Almighty is sounded
by the Angels.
the wind assisting Ram to fall
then, to be a slave is eternal Joy
love for Master is love for the slave.
Kafa Bilah Waliyah, Wakafa Bilah Nasiran