Glory be to Allah
May Allah who get the glory give us
the ability patience and progress
the Surat (60) verse 1 has clear point
out of Animal we are human being.
From ordinary Man He make us Muslim
A gift He rearly bestow on special Ones
from muslim He chose us as Mumeen.
then He place us on His Amana.
ILM with patience, Ikhma with duty.
Later choose us among the Mumeen.
When He shows to us love and expect
the return of that love with mind.
then He honor us as His Awliyah.
Also Assign for us His treasure of Irfan.
So that we can direct our Affairs
In Kasf and Wah’y. to be total in Him.
In His wish He called us His Nur.
Then we are He, He is Him.
To Allah be the Glory.
Kafa Bilah Waliyah, Wakafa Bilah Nasiran.